August 30, 2010

Children on a Leash

Apparently, not only dogs are put on a leash. The same is happening with children. Some parents walk their kids on a leash! Really weird!


  1. Ask James Bugler's parents if they think its a good idea to put a leash on there kids?

    Your guys are retarded. There safety harness's so kids don't wonder off and prevents people snatching kids in crowded areas.

    1. Learn the difference between your, you're, there, their, and they're you fucking idiot

  2. I can't even begin to remember how many times i've gone to the mall or an amusement park and seen small children on a leash !

  3. My parents tried this on me when I was a kid. It didn't take me long to figure out that if I started barking at people like a dog, it would embarass the hell out of them. Needless to say, they stopped trying it.

  4. I had to have a leash as a child because of my epilepsy, my mom was scared I would wander off and have a seizure and hurt myself.

  5. ya i had one too. im told that i figured out that leaning against it with my weight would detach the velcro strap and allow me to escape haha

  6. I think it is important to remember that these parents are actually spending time with their children and taking them for walks in the fresh air - something plenty of parents don't even bother to do

  7. Anyone who thinks this is stupid has never tried to keep track of a small active child. Is it better to drag them around with one arm pulled up in the air? I have pictures of myself on a leash as a small child. My son had a leash and I would never think of taking a child out these days without one. Too many crazies. Better to look odd and keep your child safe than have the kid make the 6 o'clock news.
